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GeoData for IP - Options

GeoData for IP

version 1.4.8

for Opera 11-12

Badge Style


Whois Service


IP geodata for Russia and Ukraine:
IP geodata for other countries:
Total number of cached geodata:
When cache reaches 2000 items most oldest of them are deleted automatically.

Real-IP-Lookup plugin © Mikanoshi

Installed: Many big websites (e.g. international ones) have servers all over the world and depending on user location website IP may change. Plugin allows to get real server IP of a website you currently visiting. Without this plugin IP is determined by and may be absolutely inaccurate.

Plugin must be installed, enabled and checked to work with extension.
Currently only Windows OS is supported.

Copy plugin's DLL to Opera\program\plugins\ and hit refresh on opera:plugins page.

You can download Real-IP-Lookup plugin here:

MD5: 5fb13d371d55b3a2e7c86aebfb0a11c7
SHA1: 68a25389a03c6f790548659543d9988d9ca1b0ed

MD5: f346655b1bd5e6998b0ed28c5723e333
SHA1: 6f22ab68f6aea081c8caac2ea73b6ceeeed3e9fa

This libraries are required for plugin to work
(x86 for 32-bit and x64 for 64-bit plugin):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x86
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package x64

Default map


This function displays the route and measures transit delays of packets for all traversed routers. IP and reverse hostname of every router are displayed too. Сoordinates of each IP are gethered and marked on a map, visualizing traceroute.

Real-IP-Lookup plugin is required for traceroute, you can download it from the links above.

Visualization on the map

Third-party content

World map of extension users