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<h1>Nginx vhost monitoring plugin</h1>
<br>Counts number of requests for each virtual host defined in Nginx.
<br>Supports Nagios and Influx Line Portocol output formats.
- PHP interpreter<br>
- Nginx with <a href="" target="_blank">ngx_http_vhost_traffic_status_module</a> compiled statically or dynamically<br>
<h3>Plugin parameters</h3>
<pre class="light-well">check_nginx_vhost -u <url to json formatted vhost stats> [-z <,,...>] [-t] [-i] [-m measurement]
Optional parameters
-z Comma-separated list of zones (vhosts), display all if not specified
-t Include total request count
-i Influx Line Protocol output format instead of Nagios
-m Measurement name ("nginxvhost" by default)
Example: check_nginx_vhost -u "" -z, -i -m myvhosts</pre>
<h3>Graph example (InfluxDB + Grafana):</h3>
<img src="" />