You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
1.4 KiB

var i18n = {
code: 1,
transliterate: true,
plugin_YES: 'YES',
plugin_NO: 'NO',
badge_ru: 'RUSSIA',
badge_ua: 'UKRAINE',
popup_host: 'Host',
popup_ip: 'IP',
popup_ipnum: 'IP Range',
popup_country: 'Country',
popup_region: 'Region',
popup_district: 'District',
popup_city: 'City',
popup_lat: 'Latitude',
popup_long: 'Longitude',
popup_zip: 'Zip code',
popup_timezone: 'Timezone',
popup_srv: 'Server',
popup_rdns: 'Reverse DNS',
popup_whois_dc: 'Provider/DC',
popup_whois_asnum: 'AS Number',
popup_whois_asname: 'AS Name',
popup_recv: 'Receiving data...',
popup_domain: 'Domain WhoIs',
title_more: 'More Info',
title_srvmy: 'Server IP <-> My IP',
title_popup: 'My IP',
title_distance: 'Distance (in kilometers): ',
tracert: 'Traceroute',
tracert_wait: 'Waiting for coordinates ',
tracert_sec: 'sec',
tracert_vis: 'Visualizing trace...',
tracert_getdata: 'Receiving data...',
tracert_timeout: 'Request timed out',
tracert_btn1: 'Traceroute with hostname lookup',
tracert_btn2: 'Traceroute with IPs only',
tracert_plugin: 'Real-IP-Lookup plugin not installed or activated - traceroute disabled',
tracert_pluginver: 'Old version of Real-IP-Lookup plugin is installed, please update to',
tracert_ms: 'ms',
plugin_error: "Plugin is not working.\r\nIf you have On Demand Plugins option enabled, disable it entirely or only for GeoData for IP's settings page and reload extension"