You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1172 lines
30 KiB

@import url(common.css);
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const CommonNative = View.CommonNative;
const NODE_DIV = 1;
const NODE_GROUP = 2;
const NODE_CONTACT = 3;
const GA_NONE = 0;
const GA_ADD = 1;
const GA_RENAME = 2;
const GA_REMOVE = 3;
VM.unhandledExceptionHandler = function(err) {
view.msgbox(#error, err.toString(), "Sciter error", #ok);
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class KillOverscroll: Behavior {
function wheelEvent(e) {
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function detached() {
class KillOverscrollNoFocus: KillOverscroll {
function attached() {
this.state.focusable = false;
class GlobalCaretPos: Behavior {
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// if (this.selection.caret === null), #content);
class ThemedImage: Behavior {
function setupIcon() {
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this.strip.on("click", "div[panel]", function(e) {
this super.switchTab(this);
// Select first
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var tabs = this.strip.$$(> *);
for (var tab in tabs)
if (tab !== theTab) tab.@.remove("selected");
theTab.@#selected = "";
if (theTab.onOpen) theTab.onOpen();
var panels = this.panels.$$(> *);
for (var panel in panels) panel.@.remove("selected");
this.panels.$([panel="{theTab.@#panel}"]).@#selected = "";
function addTab(stripContent, panelContent, onOpen = null) {
if (onOpen) this.strip.last.onOpen = onOpen;
function attached() {
this.strip = this.$(.strip);
this.panels = this.$(.panels);
if (this.@#auto == "") this.init();
property selectedTabIndex(index) {
get return this.panels.$([selected]).index;
function TranslateMenu() {
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self.animate(:progress {
view.move(x, (y - progress * 7).toInteger());
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view.activate(reorder ? #toFront : #noChange);
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view.move(left, top, width, height, false);
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view.move(left, top, false);
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menu.subscribe(function(e) {
fixMenu(this, e);
if (e.type == Event.MENU_ITEM_CLICK), callback); // focus fix
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function getSpriteData(pic) {
return CommonNative.GetSpriteData(pic);
function renderGroupLists(opt, addOut) {
var groupitems = View.MainNative.GetGroups(addOut);
for (var groupitem in groupitems)
if (groupitem.caption == "-")
opt.append(<li groupid={}><div pic={groupitem.img}></div><span>{groupitem.caption}</span></li>);
var pics = opt.$$(div[pic]);
for (var pic in pics) {
function findWindow(uniq) {
for (var window in View.all)
if (window.uniqueid == uniq) return window;
return null;
function findWindows(uniq) {
var windows = [];
for (var window in View.all)
if (window.uniqueid == uniq) windows.push(window);
return windows;
function matchWindows(text) {
var windows = [];
for (var window in View.all)
if (window.uniqueid instanceof String && window.uniqueid.indexOf(text) == 0) windows.push(window);
return windows;
function getActiveWindow() {
for (var window in View.all)
if (CommonNative.IsWindowActive(window.root)) return window;
return null;
function openSingleWindow(props) {
var window = findWindow(props.uniqueid);
if (window) {
if (window.windowState == View.WINDOW_MINIMIZED)
window.windowState = View.WINDOW_SHOWN;
return window.isDialog ? "" : window;
var scr = view.screen;
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type: props.tool ? View.TOOL_WINDOW : View.FRAME_WINDOW,
state: props.hidden ? View.WINDOW_HIDDEN : View.WINDOW_SHOWN,
url: self.url(props.url),
screen: scr,
caption: props.translate === false ? props.caption : CommonNative.GetTranslation(props.caption)
if (props.cascade) {
var windows = matchWindows(props.uniqueid.split(":")[0]);
var curx = 0, cury = 0;
for (var window in windows) {
var (x, y) =, #border, #screen);
curx = Integer.max(curx, x);
cury = Integer.max(cury, y);
var (sx, sy, sw, sh) = view.screenBox(scr, #frame, #rectw);
if (curx == 0 || cury == 0 || curx > sx + sw / 3 || cury > sy + sh / 3) {
curx = sx + sw / 4;
cury = sy + sh / 6;
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curx += 40;
cury += 40;
props.x = curx;
props.y = cury;
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if (props.dialog) {
return view.dialog(winparams);
} else {
var window = props.detach === true ? View.window(winparams) : view.window(winparams);
window.uniqueid = props.uniqueid;
if (props.disable) window.on("close", :: self.state.disabled = false);
return window;
function createContactList() {
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "main.htm",
caption: "",
hidden: true,
//detach: true, // makes window unowned and shows taskbar button
translate: false,
uniqueid: #main,
alignment: 5,
width: 250,
height: 400
return window.root;
function createChat() {
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "chat.htm",
caption: "",
hidden: true,
detach: true,
translate: false,
uniqueid: #chat,
alignment: 5,
width: 600,
height: 400
return window.root;
function createLog() {
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "log.htm",
caption: "",
hidden: true,
detach: true,
uniqueid: #log,
alignment: 5,
width: 800,
height: 600
return window.root;
function openLog() {
var window = findWindow(#log);
if (window) window.root.ns.showLog(view.screen);
function openSessionsManager() {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
url: "sessionsmgr.htm",
caption: "Sessions manager",
uniqueid: #sessionsmgr,
detach: true,
alignment: 5,
width: dw / 3,
height: dh / 2.5
function updateSessionsManager(current) {
var window = findWindow(#sessionsmgr);
if (window)
if (current)
function createTips() {
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "tips.htm",
caption: "",
//detach: true,
translate: false,
uniqueid: #tips,
x: -9999,
y: -9999,
width: 1,
height: 1
return window.root;
function openPasswordDialog(type, title, pwd = "", maxlen = 0, translate = true) {
return openSingleWindow({
dialog: type != #acc,
translate: translate,
url: "enterpassword.htm",
caption: title,
uniqueid: type != #acc ? #loginpassword : #accpassword,
alignment: 5,
params: {
type: type,
password: pwd,
maxlength: maxlen
function openLoginDialog() {
var res = openPasswordDialog(#login,
CommonNative.GetTranslation("Login password") + " (" + View.MainNative.GetCurrentUserAcc() + ")",
if (res) {
return true;
} else return false;
function openAccDialog() {
return openPasswordDialog(#acc,
CommonNative.GetTranslation("Account password") + " (" + View.MainNative.GetCurrentUserAcc() + ")",
"", 0, false
function enterPassword(title, maxLen) {
return openPasswordDialog(#pwd, title, "", maxLen, false);
function enterLockPassword(title, hint, maxLen) { openSingleWindow({
detach: true,
translate: false,
url: "enterpassword.htm",
caption: title,
uniqueid: #lock,
screen: #main,
alignment: 5,
params: {
type: #lockpwd,
maxlength: 0,
hint: hint
function enterUIN(caption, icon) {
return openSingleWindow({
dialog: true,
url: "enterstring.htm",
caption: caption,
uniqueid: #enteruin,
alignment: 5,
params: {
uniqueid: #enteruin,
icon: icon
function inputQuery(caption, text, icon) {
return openSingleWindow({
dialog: true,
url: "enterstring.htm",
caption: caption,
uniqueid: #enterstr,
alignment: 5,
params: {
uniqueid: #enterstr,
icon: icon,
text: text
function viewInfoAbout() {
var uin = enterUIN("View info about...", "info");
if (uin && uin != "") View.MainNative.ViewInfoAbout(uin));
function openChatWith() {
var uin = enterUIN("Open chat with...", "msg");
if (uin && uin != "") View.MainNative.OpenChatWith(uin));
function createNewAccount() {
var uin = enterUIN("New user", "uin");
if (uin && uin != "") CommonNative.CreateAccount(uin)
function switchUser(conflict = false) {
if (conflict) showAlert(#warning, "There is another instance with this user already running"));
return openSingleWindow({
dialog: true,
url: "users.htm",
caption: "Users",
uniqueid: #users,
screen: #main,
alignment: 5,
width: 450,
height: 310
function showAlert(type, message, translate = true) {
var alert = openSingleWindow({
url: "alert.htm",
caption: "",
detach: true,
uniqueid: #alert,
screen: #main,
alignment: 5
type: type,
message: translate ? CommonNative.GetTranslation(message) : message
function createDialog(icon, title, msg, left = false, buttons = null, defbtn = null, cancelbtn = null, timeout = 0) {
return openSingleWindow({
dialog: true,
url: "dialog.htm",
caption: title,
translate: false,
uniqueid: #msgdlg,
alignment: 5,
params: {
icon: icon,
message: msg,
left: left,
buttons: buttons,
default: defbtn,
cancel: cancelbtn,
timeout: timeout
function openViewInfo(uid, title = "", updateOnly = false) {
var window = findWindow("info:" + uid);
if (window) {
if (window.windowState == View.WINDOW_MINIMIZED)
window.windowState = View.WINDOW_SHOWN;
} else if (!updateOnly) {
url: "viewinfo.htm",
caption: title,
detach: true,
cascade: true,
translate: false,
uniqueid: "info:" + uid,
alignment: 7,
width: 450,
height: 550,
params: {
contact: uid
function updateViewInfoAnP(uid) {
var window = findWindow("info:" + uid);
if (window) window.root.ns.updateAvatarAndPhoto();
function updateDB() {
var window = findWindow(#db);
if (window) window.root.ns.updateList();
function openContactsDB() {
url: "contactsdb.htm",
caption: CommonNative.GetTranslation("Contacts database"),
detach: true,
uniqueid: #db,
alignment: 5,
width: 850,
height: 500
function openAbout() {
url: "about.htm",
caption: "About",
detach: true,
uniqueid: #about,
alignment: 5,
width: 310,
height: 265
function openHistorySearch(uid = null, displayed = null) {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "search.htm",
caption: "History search",
detach: true,
uniqueid: #search,
alignment: 5,
width: dw / 3,
height: dh / 1.5
if (window) window.root.ns.refreshState({
UID: uid,
Display: displayed,
RowID: -1
function openOutbox() {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
url: "outbox.htm",
caption: "Outbox",
detach: true,
uniqueid: #outbox,
alignment: 5,
width: dw / 2.5,
height: dh / 2.2
function updateOutbox() {
var window = findWindow(#outbox);
if (window) {
function openUpdater() {
url: "updater.htm",
caption: CommonNative.GetTranslation("Check for updates"),
detach: true,
uniqueid: #updater,
alignment: 5
function openLangs(langs) {
return openSingleWindow({
url: "langs.htm",
caption: CommonNative.GetTranslation("Select a language"),
uniqueid: #langs,
dialog: true;
alignment: 5,
width: 450,
height: 310,
params: {
langs: langs
function openUINList(caption, btn, options, uid = "") {
options = options ?? [];
return openSingleWindow({
url: "uinlist.htm",
caption: "Select contacts",
uniqueid: #uinlist,
dialog: true,
alignment: 5,
width: 250,
height: options.indexOf(#sco_predefined) >= 0 ? 500 : 400,
params: {
caption: CommonNative.GetTranslation(caption),
btn: CommonNative.GetTranslation(btn),
options: options,
uid: uid
function updateUINList(record) {
var window = findWindow(#uinlist);
if (window) window.root.ns.updateContact(uin, status);
function openTextWindow(id, title, body, wrap = true, images = [], formicon = null) {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
url: "window.htm",
caption: title,
detach: true,
cascade: true,
translate: false,
uniqueid: "message:" + id,
alignment: 7,
width: dw/2.5,
height: dh/2.5,
params: {
body: body,
wrap: wrap,
images: images,
formicon: formicon,
function openTextEdit(text) {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
return openSingleWindow({
url: "textedit.htm",
caption: "Edit message",
dialog: true,
uniqueid: "message:" + id,
alignment: 5,
width: dw/4,
height: dh/4,
params: {
text: text
function openPrefs(page = '', full = true) {
var (px, py, dw, dh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
var window = openSingleWindow({
url: "preferences.htm",
caption: "Preferences",
hidden: true,
detach: true,
uniqueid: #prefs,
alignment: 5,
width: dw / 2.2,
height: dh / 2.2
window.root.ns.setViewMode(page, full);
function closeChildWindows() {
for (var window in View.all)
if (window.uniqueid != #main && window.uniqueid != #chat && window.uniqueid != #users) window.close();
// function autosizeWindow() {
// var (x, y, w, h) =, #client, #screen);
// view.windowMove(x, y, w, $(body).box(#height, #margin), true);
// });
// }
// function coordScreenToView(x, y) {
// var (vx, vy) =, #client, #screen);
// x -= vx;
// y -= vy;
// return (x, y);
// }
function coordViewToScreen(x, y) {
var (vx, vy) =, #client, #screen);
x += vx;
y += vy;
return (x, y);
function getScreenFromCoord(x, y) {
for (var scr in view.screens) {
var (x1, y1, x2, y2) = view.screenBox(scr, #frame, #rect);
if (x >= x1 && x <= x2 && y >= y1 && y <= y2) return scr;
return view.screen;
function getPopupPosition(x, y, size, hgap = 0, vgap = 0) {
var (sx, sy, sw, sh) = view.screenBox(#frame, #rectw);
var (x2, y2) = coordViewToScreen(x, y);
var overw = x2 + size > sx + sw;
var overh = y2 + size > sy + sh;
if (overw && overh)
return (3, x - hgap, y - vgap);
else if (overw)
return (9, x - hgap, y + vgap * 2);
else if (overh)
return (1, x + hgap, y - vgap);
return (7, x + hgap, y + vgap * 2);
var hint = self.$append(<popup id="hint"></popup>),
hintAncor = null,
hintData = null,
hintX = -1,
hintY = -1;
function prepareHint() {
function checkField(field) {
return field != "" ? <b>{field}</b> : {CommonNative.GetTranslation("Unknown")}>;
if (hintData instanceof String) hintData = CommonNative.GetContactData(hintData);
if (hintData.kind == NODE_GROUP && cldata) {
var total = cldata.getTotalGroupCount(;
var onoffline = [];
if (CommonNative.IsOnline()) {
var online = cldata.getGroupCount(, 0);
var offline = cldata.getGroupCount(, 1) + cldata.getGroupCount(, 4);
var unknown = cldata.getGroupCount(, 2) + cldata.getGroupCount(, 3);
onoffline.push(<div key="hintonline">{CommonNative.GetTranslation("Online")}: <b>{online}</b></div>);
onoffline.push(<div key="hintoffline">{CommonNative.GetTranslation("Offline")}: <b>{offline}</b></div>);
onoffline.push(<div key="hintunknown">{CommonNative.GetTranslation("Unknown")}: <b>{unknown}</b></div>);
hint.merge(<popup id="hint">
<div key="hinttotal">{CommonNative.GetTranslation("Total")}: <b>{total}</b></div>
if (hintData.kind != NODE_CONTACT) return;
var texts = {
hintstatusmsg: "Message",
hintidle: "Idle time",
hintimportant: "Important",
hintofficial: "Official contact",
hintbot: "Bot contact",
hintbirth: "Birthday",
hintgroup: "Group",
hintnoclient: "Client was closed",
hintclientdesc: "Client",
hintclientonline: "Online since",
hintclientoffline: "Last time seen online",
hintignored: "Being ignored",
hintauth: "Authorization required",
hintstatus: "Status",
hintxstatus: "XStatus",
hintnick: "Nick",
hintfirst: "First name",
hintlast: "Last name"
var ttexts = CommonNative.GetTranslations(texts);
var desc = [];
if (hintData.status.desc != "")
desc = <div key="hintstatusmsg">{ttexts["hintstatusmsg"]}: <span class="limited"><b>{hintData.status.desc}</b></span></div>;
var idle = [];
var idleTime = CommonNative.GetContactIdle(hintData.uid);
if (idleTime > 0)
idle = <div key="hintidle">{ttexts["hintidle"]}: <b>{String.printf("%d:%02d", (idleTime % 3600) / 60, idleTime % 60)}</b></div>;
var important = [];
var importantText = CommonNative.GetContactImportant(hintData.uid, false);
if (importantText != "")
important = <div key="hintimportant">{ttexts["hintimportant"]}: <span class="limited"><b>{importantText}</b></span></div>;
var importantLocal = [];
importantText = CommonNative.GetContactImportant(hintData.uid, true);
if (importantText != "")
importantLocal = <div key="hintimportantlocal">{ttexts["hintimportant"]}: <span class="limited"><b>{importantText}</b></span></div>;
var official = [];
if (hintData.status.official)
official = <div key="hintofficial"><b>{ttexts["hintofficial"]}</b></div>;
var bot = [];
if (
bot = <div key="hintbot"><b>{ttexts["hintbot"]}</b></div>;
var birth = [];
if (hintData.birthLocal != '')
birth = <div key="hintbirth">{ttexts["hintbirth"]}: <b>{hintData.birthLocal}</b></div>;
// else if (hintData.birth != '')
// birth =
{ttexts["hintbirth"]}: {hintData.birth}
var group = [];
var groupName = CommonNative.GetGroupName(;
if (groupName != "")
group = <div key="hintgroup">{ttexts["hintgroup"]}: <b>{groupName}</b></div>;
var noClient = [];
if (hintData.noClient)
noClient = <div key="hintnoclient">{ttexts["hintnoclient"]}: <b>{hintData.clientClosed}</b></div>;
var client = [];
if (hintData.status.code != 1 && hintData.status.code != 2) { // is online
if (hintData.clientDesc != "")
client.push(<div key="hintclientdesc">{ttexts["hintclientdesc"]}: <b>{hintData.clientDesc}</b></div>);
if (hintData.onlineSince != "")
client.push(<div key="hintclientonline">{ttexts["hintclientonline"]}: <b>{hintData.onlineSince}</b></div>);
} else {
if (hintData.lastTimeSeenOnline != "")
client.push(<div key="hintclientoffline">{ttexts["hintclientoffline"]}: <b>{hintData.lastTimeSeenOnline}</b></div>);
var ignored = [];
var isIgnored = CommonNative.GetContactIgnored(hintData.uid);
if (isIgnored)
ignored = <div key="hintignored"><b>{ttexts["hintignored"]}</b></div>;
var needAuth = [];
if (hintData.needAuth)
needAuth = <div key="hintauth"><b>{ttexts["hintauth"]}</b></div>;
var avatar = [];
if (View.commonSettings.supportAvatars && View.commonSettings.avatarShowInHint && hintData.hasAvatar)
avatar = <div key="hintavatar" class="hintheader2"><img src={String.$(miniavatar:{hintData.uid})} /></div>;
var xstatus = [];
var xstatustext = [];
if (hintData.xstatus.status != "") {
xstatus = <span key="xstatus" class="xstatus">{hintData.xstatus.status}</span>;
xstatustext = <div key="hintxstatus">{ttexts["hintxstatus"]}: <b>{hintData.xstatus.text}</b></div>
hint.merge(<popup id="hint">
<div class="hintheader">
<div class="hintheader1">
<div><div id="hinticon"></div>{xstatus}<span>UIN </span><span key="hintuin"><b>{hintData.uid2show}</b></span></div>
<div key="hintstatus">{ttexts["hintstatus"]}: <b>{}</b></div>
<div key="hintnick">{ttexts["hintnick"]}: {checkField(hintData.nick)}</div>
<div key="hintfirst">{ttexts["hintfirst"]}: {checkField(hintData.first)}</div>
<div key="hintlast">{ttexts["hintlast"]}: {checkField(hintData.last)}</div>
function showHintFunc() {
if (!hintAncor || !hintAncor.tag || self.state.ownspopup) return;
if (self.view.uniqueid != #main) { // check for menu in main
var main = findWindow(#main);
if (main && main.root.state.ownspopup) return;
var gap = 0;
if (hintX == -1 && hintY == -1) {
(hintX, hintY) = view.cursorLocation();
gap = self.toPixels(10dip)
var pos = 7;
if (hintData.kind == NODE_CONTACT) {
(pos, hintX, hintY) = getPopupPosition(hintX, hintY, self.toPixels(200dip), gap, gap);
} else {
hintX += gap;
hintY += gap;
hintAncor.popup(hint, pos, hintX, hintY);
function showHint(ancor, data, x = -1, y = -1) {
self.timer(0, hideHint);
var wasPresent = hint.state.popup;
hintAncor = ancor;
hintData = data;
hintX = x;
hintY = y;
var delay = wasPresent ? 100 : 1000;
self.timer(delay, showHintFunc);
function hideHint() {
self.timer(0, showHintFunc);
hintX = -1;
hintY = -1;
function showSelectPopup(el) {
var cur = el.$(option:current);
if (!cur) cur = el.$(option);
if (!cur) return;
el.$(popup),, #border, #root),, #border, #root) - el.$(popup).style#padding-top
- ( + + * cur.index - 1
el.$(popup).state.focus = true;
function initUWPSelect(editable = false) {
var body = $(body);
body.on("~keydown", "select:not([type]):not([default])", :e {
if ( == "select" &&
(e.keyCode == Event.VK_RETURN || e.keyCode == Event.VK_SPACE)) {
return true;
body.on("~mousedown", "select:not([type]):not([default])", :e {
if (editable && == "caption") return false;
if ( !== "option") return true;
body.on("~mouseup", "select:not([type]):not([default])", :e {
if (editable && == "caption") return false;
if ( !== "option") {
return true;
} else {
body.subscribe(:e {
if ($p(select:not([type]):not([default]))) return true;
function cubicOut(t, b = 0.0, c = 1.0, d = 1.0) {
return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t + 1) + b;
function String.toLocalPath() {
return URL.toPath(this).replace("/", "\\");
function Element.setVisible(vis, update = true) { = vis ? undefined : "none";
if (update) this.update();
function Element.reloadImage(url, cache = true) {
var target = this.tag ? this.view.root : findWindow(#chat).root;
if (target && url)
target.loadImage(url, :image {
target.bindImage(url, image);
}, cache);
function Element.applySprite(pic, cat = #theme) {
if (cat == #plugin) this.reloadImage("pluginpic:" + pic["name"], false);
if (pic){
background-image: [url: (cat == #plugin ? "pluginpic:" : "themepic:") + pic["name"]],
background-position: [px(pic["x"]), px(pic["y"])],
width: px(pic["width"]),
height: px(pic["height"])
function Element.clearSprite() {{
background-image: "none",
width: "auto",
height: "auto"
function makeSpriteStyle(pic) {
return {
background-image: [url: "themepic:" + pic["name"]],
background-position: [px(pic["x"]), px(pic["y"])],
width: px(pic["width"]),
height: px(pic["height"])
function Function.throttle(milliseconds, options = {}) {
milliseconds = milliseconds.toInteger();
var context, args, result;
var running = false;
var previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : Date.ticks() - milliseconds - 1;
var func = this;
function later() {
previous = options.leading === false ? 0 : Date.ticks();
running = false;
result = func.apply(context, args);
return function(arguments..) {
var now = Date.ticks();
if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
var remaining = milliseconds - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0) {
running = false;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
} else if (!running && options.trailing !== false) {
running = true;
self.timer(remaining, later,true);
return result;