You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.5 KiB

# check_influx - Plugin outputs data from InfluxDB in Nagios format
# version 1.0 18.06.2016
# by Mikanoshi -,
# This plugin is a free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the
# GNU General Public Licence Version 3 (see
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// InfluxDB settings
$host = "localhost";
$port = 8086;
$db = "telegraf";
$options = getopt("k:m:t:f:s:l:w:c:zpxb");
if (isset($options["k"]))
$keys = $options["k"];
$measures = isset($options["m"]) ? $options["m"] : $measures = "/.*/";
$format = isset($options["f"]) ? $options["f"] : "";
$timespan = isset($options["s"]) ? $options["s"] : "15m";
$limit = isset($options["l"]) ? $options["l"] : 1;
$titles = isset($options["t"]) ? explode(",", $options["t"]) : array();
$warns = isset($options["w"]) ? explode(",", $options["w"]) : array();
$crits = isset($options["c"]) ? explode(",", $options["c"]) : array();
$istest = isset($options["z"]);
$ispercents = isset($options["p"]);
$iscounter = isset($options["x"]);
$isbytes = isset($options["b"]);
$client = new \InfluxDB\Client($host, $port);
$database = $client->selectDB($db);
$query = "SELECT ".$keys." FROM ".$measures." WHERE time > now() - ".$timespan." ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ".$limit;
$result = $database->query($query);
$points = $result->getPoints();
if ($istest) {
echo $query."\n";
$vals = array();
foreach ($points as $point)
foreach ($point as $name => $value)
if ($name !== "time" && $value !== "") array_push($vals, array($name, $value));
$status = -1;
if ($format == "perfdata")
$info = "Data received ";
$info = "";
$perfdata = "";
function checklimit($val, $limit) {
global $format;
return $val > $limit;
foreach ($vals as $ds => $val) {
if ($format == "info")
$valueInfo = ($iscounter || $isbytes) ? round($val[1]) : round($val[1], 6);
$valueInfo = ($iscounter || $isbytes) ? round($val[1]) : round($val[1], 2);
$valueData = ($iscounter || $isbytes) ? round($val[1]) : round($val[1], 6);
$warn = array_key_exists($ds, $warns) ? $warns[$ds] : "";
$crit = array_key_exists($ds, $crits) ? $crits[$ds] : "";
if ($crit != "" && checklimit($valueData, $crit) && $status < 2) {
$status = 2;
} else if ($warn != "" && checklimit($valueData, $warn) && $status < 1) {
$status = 1;
} else if ($status < 0) {
$status = 0;
$title = array_key_exists($ds, $titles) ? $titles[$ds] : $val[0];
$unitsInfo = $ispercents ? "%": ($isbytes ? "B" : "");
$unitsData = $ispercents ? "%": ($iscounter ? "c" : ($isbytes ? "B" : ""));
if ($format === "" || $format === "info") $info .= $title."=".$valueInfo.$unitsInfo." ";
$perfdata .= $title."=".$valueData.$unitsData.";".$warn.";".$crit." ";
if ($status == 0) echo "OK - "; else
if ($status == 1) echo "WARNING - "; else
if ($status == 2) echo "CRITICAL - "; else {
echo "UNKNOWN - ";
$info = "No data ";
$status = 3;
echo $info;
if ($perfdata !== "" && $format !== "info") echo "| ".$perfdata;
echo "\n";
function usage() {
echo "Usage:
[Required] Field keys to select (can contain aggregate functions, return last values)
[Optional] Measurements to get fields from (search all if not specified)
-s <5m|1h|1d|...>
[Optional] Defines period from now that is used to collect values (defaults to 15 minutes)
[Optional] Number of points to display (defaults to 1, results are sorted by time in descending order)
[Optional] Replace field keys with these titles in an output string
[Optional] Warning and critical levels for every field
[Optional] Display only info or perfdata part (both if not specified)
[Optional] Add c units to all values (counters)
[Optional] Add % to all values (percents)
[Optional] Add B to all values (data sizes)
[Optional, Debug] Output query string and returned array of values only
check_influx -k conn_established,load1,load5 -m net,system -t acpt,1min,5min -w 50,3,6 -c 100,5,9 -s 15m
check_influx -k usage_system,usage_user,usage_irq -m cpu -t system,user,irq -w 80,80,80 -c 90,90,90 -s 5m -p\n";