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Include file for AES_DECR.PAS - AES_Decrypt for BIT32/Compressed tables
Version Date Author Modification
------- -------- ------- ------------------------------------------
0.10 09.07.06 W.Ehrhardt Initial version for compressed tables
0.11 09.07.06 we Removed AES_LONGBOX code
0.12 13.07.06 we Uses TCd box byte instead of InvSBox
(**** (C) Copyright 2002-2006 Wolfgang Ehrhardt -- see copying_we.txt ****)
procedure AES_Decrypt(var ctx: TAESContext; const BI: TAESBlock; var BO: TAESBlock);
{-decrypt one block (in ECB mode)}
r: integer; {round loop countdown counter}
pK: PWA4; {pointer to loop rount key }
s0,s1,s2,s3: longint; {TAESBlock s as separate variables}
t: TWA4;
{Setup key pointer}
pK := PWA4(@ctx.RK[ctx.Rounds]);
{Initialize with input block}
s0 := TWA4(BI)[0] xor pK^[0];
s1 := TWA4(BI)[1] xor pK^[1];
s2 := TWA4(BI)[2] xor pK^[2];
s3 := TWA4(BI)[3] xor pK^[3];
{perform encryption rounds}
for r:=1 to ctx.Rounds-1 do begin
t[3] := Td[s3 and $ff].D0.L xor Td[s2 shr 8 and $ff].D1.L xor Td[s1 shr 16 and $ff].D2.L xor Td[s0 shr 24].D3.L xor pK^[3];
t[2] := Td[s2 and $ff].D0.L xor Td[s1 shr 8 and $ff].D1.L xor Td[s0 shr 16 and $ff].D2.L xor Td[s3 shr 24].D3.L xor pK^[2];
t[1] := Td[s1 and $ff].D0.L xor Td[s0 shr 8 and $ff].D1.L xor Td[s3 shr 16 and $ff].D2.L xor Td[s2 shr 24].D3.L xor pK^[1];
s0 := Td[s0 and $ff].D0.L xor Td[s3 shr 8 and $ff].D1.L xor Td[s2 shr 16 and $ff].D2.L xor Td[s1 shr 24].D3.L xor pK^[0];
s1 := t[1];
s2 := t[2];
s3 := t[3];
{Uses InvSbox byte from Td and shl, needs type cast longint() for 16 bit compilers}
TWA4(BO)[0] := (longint(Td[s0 and $ff] xor
longint(Td[s3 shr 8 and $ff] shl 8 xor
longint(Td[s2 shr 16 and $ff] shl 16 xor
longint(Td[s1 shr 24 ] shl 24 ) xor pK^[0];
TWA4(BO)[1] := (longint(Td[s1 and $ff] xor
longint(Td[s0 shr 8 and $ff] shl 8 xor
longint(Td[s3 shr 16 and $ff] shl 16 xor
longint(Td[s2 shr 24 ] shl 24 ) xor pK^[1];
TWA4(BO)[2] := (longint(Td[s2 and $ff ] xor
longint(Td[s1 shr 8 and $ff] shl 8 xor
longint(Td[s0 shr 16 and $ff] shl 16 xor
longint(Td[s3 shr 24 ] shl 24 ) xor pK^[2];
TWA4(BO)[3] := (longint(Td[s3 and $ff ] xor
longint(Td[s2 shr 8 and $ff] shl 8 xor
longint(Td[s1 shr 16 and $ff] shl 16 xor
longint(Td[s0 shr 24 ] shl 24 ) xor pK^[3];
procedure MakeDecrKey(var ctx: TAESContext);
{-Calculate decryption key from encryption key}
i: integer;
p: PLong;
x: longint;
p := PLong(@ctx.RK[1]);
for i:=1 to 4*(ctx.Rounds-1) do begin
x := p^;
p^ := Td[SBox[x shr 24]].D3.L xor Td[SBox[x shr 16 and $ff]].D2.L xor
Td[SBox[x shr 8 and $ff]].D1.L xor Td[SBox[x and $ff]].D0.L;