You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
4.5 KiB

object usersFrm: TusersFrm
Left = 338
Top = 161
ActiveControl = UsersBox
BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
Caption = 'Users'
ClientHeight = 258
ClientWidth = 321
Color = clBtnFace
Constraints.MaxHeight = 500
Constraints.MaxWidth = 450
Constraints.MinHeight = 280
Constraints.MinWidth = 280
ParentFont = True
KeyPreview = True
OldCreateOrder = True
Position = poScreenCenter
OnClose = FormClose
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
OnPaint = FormPaint
OnShow = FormShow
DesignSize = (
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 191
Top = 0
Width = 130
Height = 258
Align = alRight
AutoSize = False
ExplicitLeft = 160
object Bevel: TBevel
Left = -228
Top = -33
Width = 736
Height = 291
Shape = bsRightLine
object deleteaccountBtn: TRnQSpeedButton
Left = 198
Top = 140
Width = 35
Height = 25
Hint = 'delete definitely your UIN from the server'
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Delete account'
Enabled = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
Visible = False
ImageName = 'delete'
OnClick = deleteaccountBtnClick
object importBtn: TRnQSpeedButton
Left = 198
Top = 171
Width = 35
Height = 25
Hint = 'import your data from ICQ'
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Import'
Enabled = False
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
ImageName = 'import'
object PntBox: TPaintBox
Left = 198
Top = 140
Width = 116
Height = 100
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
OnClick = L1Click
OnMouseEnter = L1MouseEnter
OnMouseLeave = L1MouseLeave
OnPaint = PntBoxPaint
object UsersBox: TVirtualDrawTree
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 191
Height = 258
Align = alClient
BorderStyle = bsNone
Header.AutoSizeIndex = 0
Header.DefaultHeight = 17
Header.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
Header.Font.Color = clWindowText
Header.Font.Height = -11
Header.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Header.Font.Style = []
Header.Height = 17
Header.MainColumn = -1
Header.Options = [hoColumnResize, hoDrag]
TabOrder = 0
TreeOptions.AutoOptions = [toAutoDropExpand, toAutoScrollOnExpand, toAutoSort, toAutoTristateTracking, toAutoDeleteMovedNodes]
TreeOptions.MiscOptions = [toAcceptOLEDrop, toFullRepaintOnResize, toGridExtensions, toInitOnSave, toToggleOnDblClick, toWheelPanning]
TreeOptions.PaintOptions = [toShowButtons, toShowDropmark, toShowTreeLines, toThemeAware, toUseBlendedImages]
TreeOptions.SelectionOptions = [toFullRowSelect, toMiddleClickSelect, toRightClickSelect]
OnChecked = UsersBoxChecked
OnClick = usersBoxClick
OnCompareNodes = UsersBoxCompareNodes
OnDblClick = usersBoxDblClick
OnDrawNode = UsersBoxDrawNode
OnFocusChanged = UsersBoxFocusChanged
OnFocusChanging = UsersBoxFocusChanging
OnFreeNode = UsersBoxFreeNode
OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
OnKeyPress = usersBoxKeyPress
ExplicitWidth = 105
Columns = <>
object deleteuserBtn: TRnQButton
Left = 198
Top = 70
Width = 116
Height = 25
Hint = 'delete your user from this PC'
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Delete user'
DoubleBuffered = True
ParentDoubleBuffered = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = deleteuserBtnClick
ImageName = 'delete'
object newaccountBtn: TRnQButton
Left = 198
Top = 101
Width = 116
Height = 25
Hint = 'create a new UIN on the server'
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Get new ICQ account'
DoubleBuffered = True
ParentDoubleBuffered = False
TabOrder = 2
OnClick = newaccountBtnClick
ImageName = 'new.account'
object newuserBtn: TRnQButton
Left = 198
Top = 39
Width = 116
Height = 25
Hint = 'input your UIN and create a new user'
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'New user'
DoubleBuffered = True
ParentDoubleBuffered = False
TabOrder = 3
OnClick = newuserBtnClick
ImageName = 'new.user'
object okBtn: TRnQButton
Left = 198
Top = 8
Width = 116
Height = 25
Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
Caption = 'Ok'
Default = True
DoubleBuffered = True
Enabled = False
ModalResult = 1
ParentDoubleBuffered = False
TabOrder = 4
OnClick = okBtnClick
ImageName = 'ok'