• v3.1.0 434f74e585

    CustoMIUIzer Stable

    Mikanoshi released this 3 years ago | 55 commits to master since this release

    • [New] Bypass app lock for selected activities (activity names of locked apps are written to Xposed log upon launch)
    • [Improved][Display charging data] Show battery info (current, voltage, wattage, temperature)
    • [Improved][Custom lock screen actions] Option to center actions list horizontally
    • [Improved][Disable screen lock] Face unlock skipping is optional
    • [Improved][Extended power menu] Faster animations and dynamic background blur
    • Minor performance improvements
    • EdXposed 0.5.x.x support (build 4653+ is required):
      • Module's settings will be migrated to work with new EdXposed Framework version on first module UI launch.
      • It is recommended to make a backup using built-in function before updating.
      • Old settings could still be loaded by disabling EdXposed Framework or downgrading it to 0.4.x.x.
      • Launching any app on device can have an additional delay depending on the number of active mods. It's a result of how new EdXposed loads modules, this cannot be avoided without breaking some system mods.